Monday, 13 July 2009


oke nih script iframe nya, langsung di copy aja yah lalu tinggal mengcopy paste kedalam halaman website atau blog anda dan sedikit anda edit atau sesuai dengan selera anda ukurannya...

Keterangan :
Tulisan yg berada didalam kurung dan berwarna merah ganti dengan alamat website yang ingin ditampilkan di dalam iframe
1. scrolling : untuk mengatur halaman ifram yg anda tampilkan bisa di scroll atau tidak.. ( opsi : yess dan no )
2. frameborder : untuk mengatur tampilan iframe ada border / garis nya ( opsi : 0 - angka sesuka anda, semakin besar angka yg anda masukkan maka semakin tebal garis bordernya )
4. width : untuk mengatur lebar tampilan iframe ( satuan ukur px, atau yg lainnya )
5. height : untuk mengatur tinggi tampilan iframe ( satuan ukur px, atau yg lainya )

Udah tau kan..? cuman segitu aja, tapi kita bisa menampilkan halaman website lain kedalam halaman blog kita, keren ga...Moga aja bermanfaat buat anda yah..., kalo masih ada yang bingung bisa dipertanyaka loh.. gratiss... hehehhe.. seperti biasa aja kayak temen temen lainnya kalo masih bingung pada bertanya..

Monday, 6 July 2009

Start All Over by Miley Cyrus Powered by Feedzilla

Sunday, 28 June 2009


var styleScripts=new Array;
function addStyleAnimation(idstyle,idtext,arrStyles) {
//assert("element(idstyle) != null");
//assert("element(idtext) != null");
var i=styleScripts.length;
styleScripts[i]=new Object;
addStyleAnimation('posrel','posrel_txt',new Array(
//addStyleAnimation('lstyle','lstyle_txt',new Array(
// 'list-style:decimal;',
// 'list-style:decimal;',
// 'list-style:lower-alpha;',
// 'list-style:lower-alpha;',
// 'list-style:upper-alpha;',
// 'list-style:upper-alpha;',
// 'list-style:lower-roman;',
// 'list-style:lower-roman;',
// 'list-style:upper-roman;',
// 'list-style:upper-roman;'
addStyleAnimation('posabstl', 'posabstl_txt', new Array(
addStyleAnimation('posabstr', 'posabstr_txt', new Array(
if (0) { // how the heck can I measure the *document* height.
addStyleAnimation('posabsbl', 'posabsbl_txt', new Array( // see cycle() for significance of double-"s here
'position:absolute;top:" + (window.innerHeight - 20) + "px;left:0px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (window.innerHeight - 21) + "px;left:1px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (window.innerHeight - 22) + "px;left:2px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (window.innerHeight - 22) + "px;left:2px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (window.innerHeight - 22) + "px;left:2px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (window.innerHeight - 21) + "px;left:1px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (window.innerHeight - 20) + "px;left:0px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (window.innerHeight - 20) + "px;left:0px;'
addStyleAnimation('posabsbr', 'posabsbr_txt', new Array(
'position:absolute;top:" + (document.body.clientHeight - 20) + "px;right:0px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (document.body.offsetHeight - 20) + "px;right:1px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (document.body.offsetHeight - 20) + "px;right:2px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (document.body.offsetHeight - 21) + "px;right:2px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (document.body.offsetHeight - 22) + "px;right:2px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (document.body.offsetHeight - 22) + "px;right:1px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (document.body.offsetHeight - 22) + "px;right:0px;',
'position:absolute;top:" + (document.body.offsetHeight - 21) + "px;right:0px;'
addStyleAnimation('ltrspac', 'ltrspac_txt', new Array(
addStyleAnimation('linehgt', 'linehgt_txt', new Array(
addStyleAnimation('valign', 'valign_txt', new Array(
addStyleAnimation('talign', 'talign_txt', new Array(
' text-align : left;',
' text-align : left;',
' text-align : center;',
' text-align : center;',
' text-align : center;',
' text-align : right;',
' text-align : right;',
' text-align : right;',
' text-align : justify;',
' text-align : justify;',
' text-align : justify;',
' text-align : left;'

var index=0;
function cycle(idstyle,idhtml,arrStyles) {
var elemStyle=element(idstyle);
var elemHtml=element(idhtml);

if (elemStyle != null
&& elemHtml != null
&& != null
&& != null
&& typeof( == "string") {
var j=index % arrStyles.length; = eval('"' + arrStyles[j] + '"'); // embedded code in double-"s
elemHtml.innerHTML = eval('"' + arrStyles[j] + '"');

function shuffle() {
if (!running) return;
var i;
for (i=0 ; i < styleScripts.length ; i++) {

function bodyload() {
var i;
for (i=0 ; i < styleScripts.length ; i++) {
assert("element('"+styleScripts[i].idstyle+"') != null");
assert("element('"+styleScripts[i].idtext+"') != null");
var running=true;
function buttonclick(btn) {
if (running) {
btn.value="Hold still";
else {
.ambient {
font:14px monospace;
.notate {
font:normal 12px sans-serif;
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="bodyload();">
<br><h2 style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif;text-decoration:underline">Style Sheet Examples</h2>

<img src="StylesFoldout.jpg" height="559" width="165" align="right" usemap="#fldad" border=0 hspace="6" vspace="2" />
<map name="fldad"><area title="What's so new about it?" shape="rect" coords="33,513,130,555" href="" alt="What's so new about it?"><area shape="rect" coords="9,61,154,446"
title="Click for a closer look"
alt="Click for a closer look"><area shape="rect" coords="49,466,117,482"
title="Click for details on the HTML Foldouts"
alt="Details and discounts on the HTML Foldouts"><area shape="rect" coords="33,483,130,500"
title="Buy the HTML Foldouts"
alt="Buy the HTML Foldouts"></map>

<span style="font:11pt Arial,sans-serif">

A free public service by <a href="">VisiBone</a>. Here are some cascading style sheet examples. See the start tag that makes it happen decorated in its own style.&nbsp; </span><span class="ambient" style="margin-left:0px">&lt;span ...&gt;</span><span style="font:11pt Arial,sans-serif">&nbsp; To use it, just cut and paste the start tag. Don't forget the end-tag.&nbsp; </span><span class="ambient" style="margin-left:0px">&lt;/span&gt;&nbsp;</span><span style="font:11pt Arial,sans-serif"> For example:</span>
<span class="ambient" style="margin-left:0px"><font size="4">&lt;span style="color:red"&gt;cherry&lt;/span&gt;</font></span></blockquote>

<span style="font:11pt Arial,sans-serif">

looks like this:

<span style="color:red"><font size="4">cherry</font></span></blockquote>
<span style="font:11pt Arial,sans-serif">

See the VisiBone <a href="">Styles Foldout</a> up close for a complete CSS Cascading Style Sheets reference.


<div class="ambient">
<input type="button" value="Hold still" onclick="buttonclick(this)" />

<br><span style="background-color:#FFCCCC;" id="bgcolor">&lt;span style="<span id="bgcolor_txt">background-color:#FFCCCC;</span>"&gt;</span>
addStyleAnimation('bgcolor', 'bgcolor_txt', new Array(
// --></script>
<br><span style="background-image:url('grid.gif')" >&lt;span style="background-image:url('grid.gif')" &gt;</span>
<span style="line-height:24px">
<br><span style="border:black solid 1px;" id="bder" >&lt;span style="<span id="bder_txt">border:black solid 1px;</span>"&gt;</span>

addStyleAnimation('bder', 'bder_txt', new Array(
'border:black solid 1px;',
'border:black solid 1px;',
'border:red solid 1px;',
'border:red solid 1px;',
'border:red solid 2px;',
'border:red solid 3px;',
'border:red solid 4px;',
'border:red solid 5px;',
'border:red solid 5px;',
'border:red solid 5px;',
'border:red dashed 5px;',
'border:red dotted 5px;',
'border:red double 5px;',
'border:red groove 5px;',
'border:red ridge 5px;',
'border:red inset 5px;',
'border:red outset 5px;',
'border:red solid 5px;',
'border:red solid 5px;',
'border:red solid 5px;',
'border:black solid 5px;',
'border:black solid 5px;',
'border:black solid 4px;',
'border:black solid 3px;',
'border:black solid 2px;',
'border:black solid 1px;',
'border:black solid 1px;'
// --></script>
<br><span style="color:red;" id="colour">&lt;span style="<span id="colour_txt">color:red;</span>"&gt;</span>
addStyleAnimation('colour', 'colour_txt', new Array(
// --></script>
<br><span style="cursor:wait;" >&lt;span style="cursor:wait;" &gt;</span> <span class="notate">(hover cursor to see the hourglass)</span></span>
<br><span style="font:bold italic 16px serif;" >&lt;span style="font:bold italic 16px serif;" &gt;</span>
<br><span style="font-size:17px;" >&lt;span style="font-size:17px;" &gt;</span>

<br><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" >&lt;span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;" &gt;</span>
<br><span style="font-style:italic;" >&lt;span style="font-style:italic;" &gt;</span>
<br><span style="font-variant:small-caps;" >&lt;span style="font-variant:small-caps;" &gt;</span>
<br><span style="font-weight:bold;" >&lt;span style="font-weight:bold;" &gt;</span>
<br><span style="text-decoration:underline;" id="txtdec">&lt;span style="<span id="txtdec_txt">text-decoration:underline;</span>"&gt;</span>
addStyleAnimation('txtdec', 'txtdec_txt', new Array(
// --></script>
<br><span style="letter-spacing:3px" id="ltrspac" >&lt;span style="<span id="ltrspac_txt">letter-spacing:3px</span>"&gt;</span>

<!-- br>
<span class="notate">list items:</span -->
<ul style="margin-top:2px">
<li style="list-style:upper-alpha" id="lstyle" >&lt;li style="<span id="lstyle_txt">list-style:upper-alpha</span>" &gt;</li>
<li style="list-style:lower-alpha" >&lt;li style="list-style:lower-alpha" &gt;</li>
<li style="list-style:upper-roman" >&lt;li style="list-style:upper-roman" &gt;</li>
<li style="list-style:decimal" >&lt;li style="list-style:decimal" &gt;</li>
<li style="list-style:disc" >&lt;li style="list-style:disc" &gt;</li>

<li style="list-style:circle inside" >&lt;li style="list-style:circle inside" &gt;</li>
<li style="list-style:square outside" >&lt;li style="list-style:square outside" &gt;</li>
<li style="list-style:url('bullet.jpg') inside" >&lt;li style="list-style:url('bullet.jpg') inside" &gt;</li>

<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=120>
<span class="notate">horizontal alignment:</span>

<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>
<tr><td bgcolor=#EEEEEE>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=120><tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
<tr><td class="ambient" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div
Style= "text-align: left;" id="talign"
>&lt;div style= &quot;<span id="talign_txt">text-align: left;</span>&quot;&gt;

<span class="notate">(for paragraphs and table cells)</span>

<br><span class="notate">positioning offset:&nbsp;</span><span
style="position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;" id="posrel">&lt;span
style="<span id="posrel_txt">position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;</span>"&gt;</span>

<span style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;" id="posabstl">&lt;span style="<span id="posabstl_txt">position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;</span>"&gt;</span>
<span style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;" id="posabstr">&lt;span style="<span id="posabstr_txt">position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;</span>"&gt;</span>
<!-- span style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;" id="posabsbl">&lt;span style="<span id="posabsbl_txt">position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;</span>"&gt;</span -->
<!-- span style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;" id="posabsbr">&lt;span style="<span id="posabsbr_txt">position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;</span>"&gt;</span -->

<br><span class="notate">superscripting and subscripting:<img
src="" height=35 width=1 align=top><img
src="" height=25 width=1 align=bottom></span><span
style="vertical-align:super;" id="valign"
>&lt;span style="<span id="valign_txt">vertical-align:super;</span>"&gt;</span>&nbsp;

<br><span style="line-height:22px;" id="linehgt">&lt;span style="<span id="linehgt_txt">line-height:22px;</span>"&gt;</span>


<!-- p>Notes:</p>

Positioning at the bottom corners with <tt>position:absolute;bottom=npx</tt> is buggy in both IE6 and N7 —
scrolling reveals that the browser is confused as to whether "absolute" positioning means document-absolute or view-absolute.
On the other hand <tt>postion:absolute;top=npx</tt> is consistently document-absolute.

Other style sheet attributes:



Opera 7 seems to behave as if .style.cssText were read-only.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-1024074-1";

Sunday, 15 March 2009

The Key to Successful Marketing

The Key to Successful Marketing
by: rudiz venditaIf your business has limited marketing resources in terms of people, expertise and materials then you might want to consider outsourcing your marketing functions to an independent marketing professional or a marketing and promotions agency. Small businesses, downsized companies, and expanding corporations all have different reasons to outsource.
Marketing can be an expensive activity and maintaining in house resources can really make this a difficult program to commit to. But marketing is a very important part of business success so allowing someone else to focus on marketing gives companies a chance to focus on their core business and areas that will enable them to surpass their competition. Outsourcing marketing resources comes with a price, but this cost is usually lower than it would be if the companies had employed and undertaken in house activities. By eliminating the need to hire full-time employees, using an agency for marketing resources saves companies thousands of dollars on wages, taxes and benefits. You are also gaining expertise in an agency that you might not find in individual employees. In addition to their own staff, agencies also have other resources to help you, such as their own outside contacts, suppliers, designers, copywriters and printers--saving you time as well as money. When you hire an outside agency, you are hiring experts in marketing. These are professional people who can focus on all your marketing needs and not be hindered by your internal politics, relations between employees, or lack of knowledge among staff in relation to marketing strategies and how they integrate with business strategies.
Marketing professionals whether independent or through a marketing agency - will often have more experience in the particular aspects of marketing than you staff, and undoubtedly more than you could pay for in an employee. Also, since they work with other clients, they have seen what works and what doesn't in other company campaigns. This knowledge translates to more efficient and effective marketing for you as you have the benefit of their hindsight. As with outsourcing any business function, allowing an outside agency to do your marketing or advertising brings a certain kind of objectivity with it. Sometimes you just need a fresh perspective to overcome difficulties and to achieve specific goals. An objective marketing professional will help you see things you might otherwise miss and will be more open to offering a range of fresh ideas as opposed to a bunch of tired ideas that you might have been toying with for years but have yet to implement.

Saturday, 14 February 2009


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